“20 Beers”
Article of Wings: Clause of Smooth
Dear MNW(.com)
FootRacing Results
Ryan “Rents By The Hour” Hopper
Ryan’s Mom
Ryan Hopper Cheats On Wings
World According to Phat Matt
Yes, the Jews made the Pyramids and Walt Disney had animal porn parties.
Joe Beutel – Loss of a Founding Member.
Hopper vs Beutel Buck Hunter Agreement
Hopper is banned from buck hunter if Beutel beats him. Beutel wins. Hopper puts $70 on one game to buy his privaleges back.
Napkin Agreement: ~Summer 2007
Signed Agreement: Page 1 (Click to enlarge)
The Gentlemen’s Agreement: Monday Night Football Beer Drinking Challenge
Team Monday Night Wings vs. Team Newbie Shit Talkers.
Napkin Agreement: ~Fall 2005
Contract: Page 1 (Click to enlarge)
Amendments: Page 2 (Click to Enlarge)