My Fellow Americans

Although most members of the MNW community already know this, I have moved to Oxford, England. It is a kick-ass town, loaded with history, well preserved architecture, and college girls. Earlier this evening, I went to a pub called, “Turf Tavern”. So what’s the big deal with that? It just so happens that this pub, 4′-6″ ceilings and all, is the site where the first and only President Clinton (let’s keep it that way), quote, “did not inhale.” The pub has dedicated a plaque to set the facts straight surrounding this issue. I encourage all my fellow Americans, and especially the members of the MNW community, to carefully read what some pub owner in England thinks about former President Clinton.



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One Response

  1. Betuel Says:

    Tim Geiser aka HeymanHeymanHeyman is the finest American America will ever call its own. Living outside of America only furthers my point.

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I’m ready for summer, how ’bout you?

Ok, enough with the fucking snow already.  Where the fuck is this global warming I’ve been hearing so much about?  Not that I want to get into that debate, but I really wouldn’t mind a few degrees warmer right now. For fucks sake! It was 15 gaddamn degrees this morning! THE DAY AFTER EASTER.  What the Fuck. I’m really starting to doubt that the ice will be off the lake before fucking memorial day.  Oh well, at least there’s Monday Night Wings to make things better.  I’ll take that over the balmy 50 degrees in NC right now (joe).  I have tomorrow off and a new credit card.. fair warning to anyone who might be offended/angered tonight.  See you at Wings.


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