These two articles singlehandedly rivived my interest in Journalism a a possible career
p.s. i miss college
These two articles singlehandedly rivived my interest in Journalism a a possible career
p.s. i miss college
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Let me break it down for you on the topic of girls and Monday Night Wings. I’ll do my best to keep it simple with a brief question and answer forum for you to reference.
Here goes:
Can girls come to wings? NO.
What about just for a little bit? NO.
Come on, just once? NO.
Why not? Because it’s Wings.
But I like your friends, can I just pop in? NO.
Why? Because it’s Wings. Stop asking.
What are you hiding? Nothing. It’s Wings. Next topic.
Well what if we show up anyway? Do so at your own risk. I don’t recommend it.
Why? Because it’s Wings. What about this don’t you get?
Everything. What if we sit at a different table? NO. Don’t come.
Why not a different table? Because girlfriends have no place at Wings.
Why? Because it’s Wings. Not Wings and Girlfriends. Wings.
How mad would you be if we showed up? Mad…
Well, we’ll see if we show up won’t we? Don’t come.
Sometimes I don’t get you. Why do you have to be like this? I’m not like anything. Girls don’t go to wings.
But WHY? I’m leaving.
Where are you going? Wings. Talk to you tomorrow.
There you go ladies, that should just about cover it. Print it out and put it in your purse if you need a reminder.
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Monday, Feb 18 2008
An atrocity of epic proportions. Ryan Hopper skips wings, claiming that his dog is sick. Fair enough. But what he fails to mention is that he also called his girlfriend, picked her up, made her dinner, and uttered the words “Lets have our own Monday Night Wings here together.” Wrong. Sick and wrong. I don’t need to emphasize how many napkin agreements have been violated, but i’ll do so anyways.
An unprecedented punishment was in order. Hopper’s girlfriend (who had already returned home after the unspeakable act) was kidnapped in the van, Old School style. She was brought back to Wings as Hopper’s replacement, and participated in activities such as drinking Bloody Hoppers, doing the bang bang dance, and yelling at Cameron. She signed a napkin agreement detailing the atrocity, which reads as follows:
The group signed the napkin agreement into the articles of wings:
The girlfriend was then returned to Hopper’s house (field trip!) for the confrontation. Detailed allegations and evidence was laid out, and Hopper admitted to the charges.
Disgusting. Let this serve as a lesson to all who would skip wings for female companionship.
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Hey kids. It’s Joey B live from Hickfuckville, North Carolina. In case you forgot (for fucking shame), I am one of the founders of Monday Night Wings.
It has come to my attention that some of you have lost focus of what MNW is. Some of you have taken Monday’s off to do Godknowswhat with your significant-exceptonmondays-others. Some of you have kept inconsistent and piss-poor hours on the weekly holiday. Both cardinal sins, mind you, but none takes a greater shit on the legacy than breaking off in a sad Schmoopy-Woopy attempt to found your own monday night wings.
“Let’s have our own monday night wings here.” – Ryan Hopper to girl.
What. The. Fuck.
The two offenses are deplorable already, but Hopper, seriously. What the fuck. You should be ashamed. Then stoned to death by big fucking rocks. You make me sick.
Shape up you fucks. Or the Gods of wing will become angry.
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