Vegas Baby

All right boys and girls summer wont last forever and soon lake days will be over. That being said its time to hit the road and get out of town. I am sick of having to fly up to party with all of you guys so its time to meet in the middle. The city of lights is calling to have a weekend of complete mayhem run through the town. I know a trip takes time so Mike D and I having been throwing out October maybe for Halloween weekend. I’m talking a full weekend of drinking, partying, gambling and compete mayhem. I have a couple buddies that live in Vegas with great connections to the clubs that have worked out great in the past. This started as a guys trip only but if the ladies want to tag along and can hang then more power to them. I fully expect Hopper to be naked at some point of the trip and yes the pictures will tell all so for the unfortunate few who puss out and don’t come you will be able to catch up on all the fun on Lets get some discussion going and pick a weekend so people will commit. Anyone who wants to make it a longer trip can always stop down in AZ for a few days as well the weather will be nice then.

Posted in Blogroll | 2 Comments »

2 Responses

  1. I'm in! Says:

    Dan I’m in for sure. Should we shoot for Thursday October 25th-Monday October 29th? Or the weekend after that? I’ve never been to Vegas, so what would be the best amount of time to spend there? And…I’m thinking guys only again, because what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas right??? Lets get this thing planned out!

  2. I'm in! Says:


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