We here at MNW are all about invention. Well, invention and beer. But invention is up there. So when we take to Lake White Bear brandishing three bags of chip-like duck ammo, the hunt is on. Redefining the way humans duck hunt is the our new black. And gold and red and orange and magenta too. It”s all of them. The whole box.
Our crew felt the conventional method of shooting the bloody floaters is totally in bad taste, so we slowly inched toward them in the Riviera Boozer, quacking them to take our deathly bit of duck bait. See, we are all about the hunt. The hunt and beer.
So while we pave the way for future Huntduck Tards (those who adopt the new approach), pleebs who lack the Darwinian skill of talking to their prey can master the call with this simple instructional video. Passing its test might even help you along the path to social relevance in the eyes of MNW. Which is nice.
Monday Night Wings
Quack, bitches. Quack.

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